About us

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At Toddler Tree, we believe children enjoy discovering the world with their total being, since their minds and bodies are interrelated in knowing and understanding their surroundings. For the little ones, everything they touch, every movement they make, every smell, flavor and sound signify a discovery.

Therefore, we offer children the opportunity to explore and assimilate their world by means of an accessible environment, with enriching activities that will enable them to stimulate all their senses at their own level and at their own pace.

We believe that the ability to communicate in more than one language is most easily facilitated in infancy. Toddler Tree provides a total immersion atmosphere for young learners’ communication needs in English. Our goal is to assist each child in a total integration process, satisfying their basic needs of love, sensory stimulation, exploration, of interacting and conversing with their peers and with adults of both sexes, extending their comfortable, safe environment from their home to a new space. When children’s basic needs are met, a trust is established that enables them to investigate, and thus develop their curiosity, their ability to analyze and solve problems, which allows for more independent growth, resulting in increased self-confidence and greater self-esteem.